Dependent upon proper collection and examination techniques, the following lab determinations can be made concerning blood and most body fluid evidence:
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1. That a stain is blood.
2. That the blood is of human or animal origin.
3. That the blood is from a certain species of animal.
4. That human blood can be individualized as:
A. O, A, B, or AB blood groups
B. M, N, or MN blood groups.
C. Rh+ factors
D. Numerous other separate blood groups known as enzymes or proteins
E. Abnormal hemoglobins, i.e., sickle cell
F. Menstrual, fetal, or normal adult blood
5. That a stain could be saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, tears, perspiration, urine, feces, human milk, or pus; and the flood group from these samples in the case of secretors.
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A Secretor is an individual whose body fluids, as well as blood, may be grouped; a nonsecretor is an individual whose blood may be grouped but whose body fluids may not be grouped. Researchers established that secretors comprise about 75-80 percent of the total population.